About Me

I'm Ed Hung,a university student,major in Economics.An enthusiast for baseball.Mainly watching Major League Baseball.routinely watch philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees. My favorite player is Johan Santana,who is a great left-handed pitcher.However,every time I was asked who my idol is,I answered,Santana,they always thought my idol was Santana, a popular singer.Maybe Johan is not famous in Taiwan,but for Venezuela,he is just like Chien-Ming Wang!



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

911's influence on baseball

Generally, the season started in April, and goes on all the way to October when the playoff start.
New York has two different baseball teams,the New York Yankees and the New York Mets.
Mets is especially important, because its stadium is closer to the World Trade Center where 911 happened.
Why I mentioned this is because Osama Bin Laden was killed by American Army few days ago.
Here is a video that one of the player in Mets talked about what he saw and how he felt when they played their first home game in 9/21, 2001.

Here Here~~^_^

What's more coincident is that, when President Obama was making an official announcement of Osama's death, the Mets was playing with the Phillies. The most coincident part is that, I watched this game........all of a sudden, I can clearly hear fans in the stadium were all yelling USA, USA through the live broadcast. That's the moment when I found out that the USA army had killed the person that the American nation hated the most.

It's quite important thing I guess,although I thought everybody knows about it.

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